The Coaching Process
One Valuation is all it takes!

Step 1 : Medical & Life History Assessment of Medical History Profile and Physical Calibration
Medical History Is your personal and corporate health, healthy enough to prosper?
Whether you’re looking to advance your personal development or take your company and your employees to a higher dimension, our Executive Valuation is where EVERYONE starts.
The word “Validate” comes from the root word-To value. “The act or process of valueing. Valuable. The appreciation of worth, character and skill. To value life…”
I once asked an Investor, “Have you ever had the blood pressure of a person checked in the same way you had the person’s company checked, prior to handing that individual millions of dollars. Do you value their life?” – He looked at me and said: ” We certainly should! I never thought about it like that.- It should be manditory!”
There is no wealth without health, and nobody wants to run a company that is sick, nor can one run a company if they are sick. We start with an extensive medical history and move directly into body composition where-by your internal functions are verified “FIT.” Lean Muscle Tissue, BMR, Liters of water, Body Fat, cardiovascular endurance and more.
The healthier you are, the clearer your executive decisions will be.
Step 2 : Brain and Behavioral Score and Calibration.
Brain Score and Cognitive Strenghts.
We believe the saying is true: “If we can measure it, we can manange it.” This executive valuation followed by a cultural assessment is the MOST important appointment of the coaching process.
Your Brain and Mind are not the same!
Your Brain is the muscle of your mind. Strengthening muscles is vital to producing life and preventing injury- your Brain is no different.
However, your beliefs are what govern your decisions, and those are in your mind and heart. Beliefs then create behavioral change.
Let’s stop making assumptions about you and get to the core of who you are. Our EV does it by validating your specific 30 Medical & behavioral traits that DRIVE YOUR HUMAN PERFORMANCE, This in turn proves your giftings as well as your potiential liabilities,(the areas that are holding you back.) Once you have identified both of these areas- a mental unlocking takes place and a powerful platform sets the stage for a MASSIVE ACCELERATION!
Areas such as: Vitality, Rate of rapport, Self Confidence, Structor, Trust, Ambition, and Leadership.

Step 3 : Your personal vision & corporate overview.
Your Company & Vision
As one man said, “Your company is not just an organization- it’s an organism-” It’s run by living people. Therefore, we assess it carefully and with precision like we would a human body.
Blind Spots are the number #1 cause for corporate catastrophe. Gaining a third eye, non-bias perspective is vital to the longevity and confidence of your company, life and brand.
The EV concludes with the Mission, Vision and Values elicitation, isolating your CAUSE. This solidifies purpose and brings inner-contentment for you and the vision of the company and your people. The coaching process is defined, scalable and ready for acceleration!